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A hardware driver search and update utility

A hardware driver search and update utility

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What is Driver Easy

DriverEasy is a tool that automatically scans your computer for missing drivers and downloads updates through the program interface.

Device drivers are programs that allow your computer, your operating system, and your hardware devices to communicate. For example, device drivers are needed in order to use sound cards, modems, wireless cards, printers, monitors, and virtually every other piece of hardware attached to your computer's motherboard. There are generic drivers that are often included with Windows and can allow devices to work, but many times functionality is limited or even nonexistent. One option is to download drivers for your hardware one by one. However, this can be time-consuming and technical. If you do not have a certain amount of technical knowledge, finding the right device drivers may be difficult.

DriverEasy is designed to remedy that by automatically detecting unknown device drivers and keeping them up-to-date. DriverEasy contains a database of over 1,000,000 drivers and is updated on a daily basis. It is free for personal use and is available for Windows in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

To use the program, download the executable file and follow the installation instructions. When you run the program, click the big green button labelled "Scan Now," and wait while DriverEasy scans your hardware and finds the appropriate drivers. It will list all unknown and obsolete drivers. When you push "Get Drivers," the program will download and update your drivers.

DriverEasy is extremely easy to use, and will keep your system up-to-date for free. However, a paid version offers additional functions not included in this version. The premium version of DriverEasy also allows users to backup, restore, and uninstall drivers from within the program. It also allows you to create restore points in case downloaded drivers do not work properly. Technical support and a multi-language interface are also not part of the free version.


Free, easy-to-use, and automatically updated

One-click install and one-click download

Large database of drivers


Backup and restoration of old drivers not included in free version

Lesser known devices or hardware configurations may not work